Favorite Foods
As I was sitting here waiting for my dad to finsih his dinner and give me his last bite, I started thinking of all the amazing food I love. Of course I get dog treats every day , many times a day, but my pawrents tell me everyday I am not just a dog, I am the goodest boi ever and I deserve all the love and treats in the universe. My favorite items I often recieve are baby carrots, cheese, SALMON SKIN, tuna and tuna juice, bacon grease in my kibble( but too much because I don’t want my arteries clogged up so young!!) I have been slowly gaining weight this past year since my pawrents and grand pawrents and auntie all got a house together , now I have a big family to spend all my time with, I am never alone, and it is so easy to trick them into all giving me treats one after another, sometimes I get fed 4 bowls of food in one day , but not often because my mom is onto me, she knows I’m gaining weight and getting too many treats so she has stopped giving them to me as often . Here’s a pic of me and my pawrents after giving me my bedtime treats . Every night I run up to bed and sit on their pillow and stare at the treat jar until they give me a treat , then I cuddle them to sleep. Xoxo